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[FXN1] Fan, Xiaona; Yan, Qinglun. Interior point algorithm for constrained sequential max-min problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v 6377 LNCS, n M4D, p 415-422, 2010, Information Computing and Applications - First International Conference, ICICA 2010, Proceedings
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[SHX1] 宋洪雪. ASYMPTOTIC UPPER BOUNDS FOR K_2+T_m:COMPLETE GRAPH RAMSEY NUMBERS / 对于K_2+T_m和完全图的Ramsey函数的渐近上界(英文). 数学杂志, Journal of Mathematics, 2010年 05期
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[TJS1] 梁香青; 占德胜; 唐加山. 泊松冲击下不同质部件k/n(G)系统的可靠性分析, 南京审计学院学报,2010, Vol. 7, No. 2, 80-83
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