姓 名 | 闫冬雪 | 性 别 | 女 | | ||
出生年月 | 1989年4月 | 学历学位 | 研究生学历理学博士学位 | |||
职 称 | 讲师 | 部 门 | 必赢242net官网信息与计算科学系 | |||
导师类别 |
| 指导专业 |
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办公地点 | 教2-326(1) | 办公电话 | 025-85866604 | |||
电邮地址 | ydx0815@njupt.edu.cn | 个人主页 |
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主授课程 | 本科生:高等数学A和B | |||||
社会 兼职 | 美国数学会Mathematical Reviews评论员 | |||||
研究 方向 | 微分方程、动力系统及生物数学应用 | |||||
个人 简历 | 2019.6-至今 必赢242net官网信息与计算科学系 2017.9-2018.9 University of Western Ontario CSC联合培养博士 2015.9-2019.6 华东师范大学理学博士应用数学专业 2012.9-2015.6 华东师范大学理学硕士应用数学专业 2008.9-2012.6 辽宁师范大学理学学士数学与应用数学专业 | |||||
主要 成果 | 主要研究生物种群模型以及流行病模型的动力学行为和最优控制问题。目前以第一作者或通讯作者在国际重要学术期刊上发表SCI 论文十几篇。 | |||||
研究 项目 | 1. 几类年龄结构种群和传染病模型的动力学行为与控制问题研究——国家自然科学基金青年项目,24万,2022.1-2024.12, 负责人 2. 具有年龄结构的手足口病动力学模型的建立与分析——江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,BK20200749,20万,2020.7-2023.6, 负责人 4. 泛函微分发展系统动力学行为与控制研究——国家自然科学基金面上项目,11671142,48万,2017.1-2020.12, 参与人 5. 时滞发展系统的分支与控制问题及其应用——国家自然科学基金面上项目,11171110,38万,2012.1-2015.12, 参与人 | |||||
荣誉 奖励 | 2016年博士研究生国家奖学金 2016年华东师范大学`优秀博士学位论文培育资助项目' 2015年华东师范大学优秀学生 2011年辽宁省优秀三好学生 2010年辽宁省政府奖学金 | |||||
论著 | [1] Yan D, Fu X. Long-time behavior of a size-structured population model with diffusion and delayed birth process. Evolution Equations & Control Theory, 2021. [2] Cao H, Wang S, Yan D*, Tan H, Xu H. The Dynamical Analysis of Computer Viruses Model with Age Structure and Delay. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2021. [3] Cao H*, Yan D, Xu X. Hopf bifurcation for an SIR model with age structure. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 2021, 16: 7. [4] Yan D, Fu X, Zou X. Analysis of an age-structured HIV in-host model with proliferation and two infection modes. European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2020, 31(5): 806-827. [5] Yan D, Fu X. Asymptotic Analysis of an Age-Structured HIV Infection Model with Logistic Target-Cell Growth and Two Infecting Routes. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2020, 30(04): 2050059. [6] Yan D, Cao H, Zhang S. Global dynamics for a TB transmission model with age-structure and delay. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2020, 13(07): 2050055. [7] Cao H, Gao X, Yan D*, Zhang S. The dynamics of an age-structured TB transmission model with relapse. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020, 43(6): 3807-3826. [8] Yan D, Zou X. Dynamics of an epidemic model with relapse over a two-patch environment. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17(5): 6098-6127. [9] Cao H, Yan D*, Zhang S, Wang X. Analysis of Dynamics of Recurrent Epidemics: Periodic or Non-periodic. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 2019, 81(12): 4889-4907. [10] Yan D, Cao H. The global dynamics for an age-structured tuberculosis transmission model with the exponential progression rate. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 75: 769-786. [11] Cao H*, Gao X, Li J, Yan D, Yue Z. The bifurcation analysis of an SIRS epidemic model with immunity age and constant treatment. Applicable Analysis, 2019: 1-23. [12] Cao H, Yan D*, Li A. Dynamic analysis of the recurrent epidemic model. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019, 16(5): 5972-5990. [13] Yan D, Fu X. Asymptotic analysis of a size-structured population model with infinite states-at-birth. Applicable Analysis, 2019, 98(5): 913-933. [14] Yan D, Fu X. Analysis of an age-structured HIV infection model with logistic target-cell growth and antiretroviral therapy. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2018, 83(6): 1037-1065. [15] Yan D, Fu X. Asymptotic behavior of a hierarchical size-structured population model[J]. Evolution Equations & Control Theory, 2018, 7(2): 293. [16] Yan D, Fu X. Long-time behavior of spatially and size-structured population dynamics with delayed birth process. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2017, 27(03): 1750032. [17] Yan D, Cao Y, Fu X*. Asymptotic analysis of a size-structured cannibalism population model with delayed birth process. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, 2016, 21(6): 1975. [18] Yan D, Fu X. The asymptotic behavior of an age-cycle structured cell model with delay. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 2016, 22(3): 441-458. [19] Yan D, Fu X. Asymptotic analysis of a spatially and size-structured population model with delayed birth process. Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis, 2016, 15(2): 637. | |||||
联系地址 | 江苏省南京市栖霞区文苑路9号必赢242net官网 | 邮政编码 | 210023 |