姓 名 | 伍海亮 | 性 别 | 男 | |||
出生年月 | 1991.10 | 学历学位 | 理学博士学位 | |||
职 称 | 副教授(2023.09) | 部 门 | 工程数学教学中心; 基础数学研究中心 | |||
导师类别 | 硕士研究生导师 | 指导专业 | 数学 | |||
办公地点 | J2-316(1) | 办公电话 | 025-85866605 | |||
电邮地址 | whl@njupt.edu.cn | 个人主页 | www.mathwhl.cn | |||
主授课程 | 线性代数与解析几何、矩阵论、组合数论、代数数论 | |||||
社会 兼职 | 1. 中国数学会会员; 2. 美国数学评论评论员; 3. 德国数学文摘评论员; 4. 《Finite Fields and Their Applications》, 《The Ramanujan Journal》等期刊审稿人。 | |||||
研究 方向 | 1. 组合数论,尤其是有限域上加法组合问题; 2. 代数数论,尤其是代数整数环上的二次型表示问题。 | |||||
个人 简历 | 本科: 南京师范大学, 2011.09-2015.06,理学学士 硕博连读: 南京大学, 2015.09-2020.06,理学博士,导师为孙智伟教授; 工作: 必赢242net官网,2020.09-2023.08,讲师; 必赢242net官网,2023.09-现在, 副教授 | |||||
主要 成果 | 1. 2016年与2019年两次获得国家奖学金, 2. 截至2023年9月,已在《Transactions of the American Mathematical Society》, 《Finite Fields and Their Applications》,《Acta Arithmetica》,《The Ramanujan Journal》等期刊上发表或录用论文22篇。 3. 分别在第六、第七届全国组合数论会议上作了大会邀请报告。 | |||||
研究 项目 | 1. 截至2023年9月,目前主持了包括国家自然科学基金项目青年基金项目在内的4项科研项目(国家级、省部级、市厅级、校级各一项)。 2. 江苏省“双创博士人才”项目(省部级人才项目) | |||||
荣誉 奖励 | 1. 2016年硕士研究生国家奖学金;南京大学优秀硕士研究生; 2. 2019年博士研究生国家奖学金;南京大学优秀博士研究生; 3. 2021年江苏省“双创博士”人才称号; 4. 2022年必赢242net官网校优秀班主任。 | |||||
论著 | 截至2023年9月的论文: [22]. Y.-F. She and H.-L. Wu, On additive decompositions of primitive elements in finite fields, International Journal of Number Theory, 2023. [21]. H.-L. Wu and Y.-F. She, Additive decompositions of cubes in finite fields, Ramanujan Journal, 2023. [20]. H.-L. Wu, B.-L. Wu and M.-L. Gong, On certain cyclotomic matrices involving biquadratic residues, Ramanujan Journal, 60 (2023), 751–759. [19]. H.-X. Ni, L.-Y. Wang and H.-L. Wu, [18]. H.-L. Wu, Y.-F. She and L.-Y. Wang, Cyclotomic matrices and hypergeometric functions over finite fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 82 (2022), Article 102054. [17]. H.-L. Wu and Y.-F. She, On a polynomial involving roots of unity and its applications, International Journal of Number Theory, 18 (2022), 1749-1763. [16]. H.-L. Wu and L.-Y. Wang, Permutations involving squares in finite fields, Electronic Research Archive, 30 (2022), 2109-2120. [15]. H.-L. Wu, Y.-F. She, H.-X. Ni, A conjecture of Zhi-Wei Sun on determinants over finite fields, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 45 (2022), 2405–2412. [14]. H.-L. Wu and L.-Y. Wang, Applications of circulant matrices to determinants involving kth power residues, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 106 (2022), 243-253. [13]. H.-L. Wu and Y.-F. She, Cubes in finite fields and related permutations, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 105 (2022), 188-196. [12]. L.-Y. Wang and H.-L. Wu, On certain determinants involving Legendre symbols, Ramanujan Journal, 58 (2022), 43–56. [11]. H.-L. Wu and L.-Y. Wang, Products of quadratic residues and related identities, Colloquium Mathematicum, 167 (2022), 197-206. [10]. H.-L. Wu, H.-X. Ni and H. Pan, On the almost universality of [9]. H.-L. Wu, Elliptic curves over Finite Fields and Their Applications, 76 (2021), Article 101929. [8]. H.-L. Wu and Y.-F. She, Jacobsthal sums and permutations of biquadratic residues, Finite Fields and Their Applications 70 (2021), Article 101789. [7]. Y.-F. She and H.-L. Wu, Sums of four squares with a certain restriction, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 104 (2021), 218-227. [6]. H.-L.Wu, Determinants concerning Legendre symbols,Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 359 (2021), no. 6, 651-655. [5]. H.-L. Wu and Z.-W. Sun, On the 1-3-5 conjecture and related topics, Acta Arithmetica 193 (2020), no. 3, 253-268. [4]. H.-L. Wu, Quadratic residues and related permutations, Finite Fields and Their Applications 60 (2019), Article 101576. [3]. H.-L. Wu and Z.-W. Sun, Some universal quadratic sums over the integers, Electronic Research Archive 27 (2019), 69-87. [2]. L.-Y. Wang and H.-L. Wu, Applications of Lerch's theorem to permutations of quadratic residues, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 100 (2019), 362-371. [1]. H.-L. Wu, Almost universal mixed sums of squares and polygonal numbers, International Journal of Number Theory 14 (2018), no. 8, 2239-2256. | |||||
联系地址 | 南京市栖霞区文苑路9号必赢242net官网 | 邮政编码 | 210023 |