姓 名 | 刘春梅 | 性 别 | 女 | |||
出生年月 | 1990.07 | 学历学位 | 研究生、理学博士 | |||
职 称 | 讲师 | 部 门 | 必赢242net官网应用物理系 | |||
导师类别 | 硕士研究生导师 | 指导专业 | 电子信息 | |||
办公地点 | 仙林校区教2-325(1) | 办公电话 | 025-85866603 | |||
电邮地址 | chunmei@njupt.edu.cn | 个人主页 |
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主授课程 | 本科生:大学物理实验 | |||||
社会 兼职 |
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研究 方向 | 超快激光与原子分子相互作用、飞秒及阿秒物理过程 | |||||
个人 简历 | 2019.12至今 必赢242net官网,讲师 2015.09---2019.07 柏林自由大学,CSC公派博士 2012.09---2015.07 山西大学激光光谱研究所,硕士 2008.09---2012.07 中北大学,本科 | |||||
主要 成果 | 以第一作者在 J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Phys. Rev. Lett. , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 等期刊发表了研究成果多篇,并参与撰写 Springer 出版社出版的专业学术 书籍《Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XIV》第七章。 | |||||
研究 项目 | 1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(No. 12004193),24万,2021.01-2023.12,主持。 2. 必赢242net官网校级科研基金项目(No. NY220089),8万,2020.07-2023.06,主持。 | |||||
荣誉 奖励 |
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论著 | 1. C. Liu, J. Manz, J. C. Tremblay, Laser-induced electron symmetry restoration in oriented molecules made simple. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 4421-4427.2. C. Liu, J. Manz, J. C. Tremblay, From symmetry breaking via charge migration to symmetry restoration in electronic ground and excited states: quantum control on the attosecond time scale. Appl. Sci.-Basel2019, 9, 953. 3. C. Liu, J. Manz, K. Ohmori, C. Sommer, N. Takei, J. C.Tremblay, Y. Zhang, Attosecond control of restoration of electronic structure symmetry. Phys. Rev. Lett.2018,121, 173201. 4. C. Liu, J. Manz, J. C. Tremblay, Chapter “From Molecular Symmetry Breaking to Symmetry Restoration by Attosecond Quantum Control”, in “Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science (PUILS) XIV”, K. Yamanouchi, P. Martin, M. Sentis, R. Li, D. Normand, Eds., Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2018; Volume 14, Chapter 7, pp. 117-141 5. G. Hermann, C. Liu, J. Manz, B. Paulus, V. Pohl, J. C. Tremblay, Attosecond angular flux of partial charges on the carbon atoms of benzene in non-aromatic excited state. Chem. Phys. Lett.2017,683, 553–558. 6. C. Liu, J. Manz, Y. Yang, Staircase patterns of nuclear fluxes during coherent tunneling in excited doublets of symmetric double well potentials. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2016, 18, 5048-5055. 7. G. Hermann, C. Liu, J. Manz, B. Paulus, J. F. Pérez-Torres, V. Pohl, J. C. Tremblay, Multidirectional angular electronic flux during adiabatic attosecond charge migration in excited benzene. J. Phys. Chem. A2016,120, 5360−5369. 8. C. Liu, J. Manz, Y. Yang, Nuclear fluxes during coherent tunnelling inasymmetric double well potentials, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.2015, 48, 164001.期刊年度亮点论文。 9. C. Liu, J. Manz, Y. Yang, Laser sculpting of atomic sp, sp2, and sp3hybrid orbitals. ChemPhysChem2015,16, 191-196. | |||||
联系地址 | 南京市栖霞区文苑路9号必赢242net官网 | 邮政编码 | 210023 |